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30.09.2019 09:39
We’re continuing to see evidence that when the Allia Antworten

nce of American Football pulled the plug on its season this week Olivier Vernon Color Rush Jersey , it did so in a slipshod manner.The latest comes from Adrien Robinson, a former Giants tight end who was trying to get back into pro football by playing for the Memphis Express this season. Robinson wrote on Twitter that his personal credit card, which he presumably gave the front desk for incidental charges Odell Beckham Jr Color Rush Jersey , was charged $2,500 for his stay in the team hotel, and the team has given him no indication that they’ll take care of the matter.‏“I woke up to over a $2500 charge pending on my account from the Sonesta hotel our team stayed in B.J. Goodson Color Rush Jersey ,” Robinson wrote. “I called the bank and Memphis team president. My only option is to dispute the charges on Monday. The same thing happened to other players on our team.”It’s one thing for AAF chairman Tom Dundon to decide he couldn’t afford to keep subsidizing a money-losing league any longer. It’s another thing to treat employees in such a shabby way, as we’ve been hearing all day examples of players being left in the lurch after the league folded. The AAF’s players deserved better. JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — New York Giants backup quarterback Kyle Lauletta has pleaded guilty to a disorderly person offense and two traffic offenses after failing to obey an officer's orders while driving near a construction site in October.Lauletta pleaded guilty Tuesday. The plea deal calls for dropping charges if Lauletta stays out of trouble for the next year.Weehawken police say Lauletta was driving his 2017 Jaguar Oct. 30 when he was stopped for failing to obey an officer's order to continue driving straight. Police says Lauletta almost hit an officer while making an illegal turn. He was stopped by a second officer and refused to produce a driver's license or exit the car.He was later arrested. Lauletta has said he's apologetic about the incident.

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